NDDOT Asks Motorists to Prepare for Weather-Related Traffic Impacts

NDDOT Asks Motorists to Prepare for Weather-Related Traffic Impacts

NDDOT asks motorists to prepare for winter weather and traffic impacts

As we start to get winter weather, traveling on snow-covered roads can be difficult and dangerous.

The NDDOT has put together a map that is integrated with the NWS (National Weather Service), to help North Dakotans as the travel along various roads/highways. To see the map, click on this link: https://travel.dot.nd.gov/. This map allows you to see current road conditions.

Make sure to adjust your travel plans to allow additional time for safe, slow driving. 

As snowplow operators work to keep road conditions as safe and clear as possible, please remember, when driving near them, to slow down, stay alert, and stay back at least 5 car lengths and use extra caution.

“Motorists should be preparing for winter driving conditions,”said Brad Darr, NDDOT State Maintenance Engineer. “Remember when you are driving near snowplows this winter, be patient and avoid crowding our snowplow operators while they work to keep our roads clear and safe.”

If you must travel, NDDOT recommends everyone in the vehicle is dressed for the cold weather. Keep blankets, water, food, phone chargers and an emergency kit in your vehicles.

Other winter driving recommendations:

·Stay alert

·Slow down

·Turn off the cruise control

·Be patient and don’t crowd the plow

The ND Roads map is updated daily from 5 a.m. until 10 p.m. CDT. The road report is based upon the information available to the NDDOT at the time of preparation and is provided solely as a public service. Conditions may vary from those reported.

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