NORTH DAKOTA: Tune in Anywhere with the Parking Lot Prayer Warriors

Parking Lot Prayer Warriors

Time: Thursdays at 8 p.m.

Prayer Location(s):

  • CHI St. Alexius Health’s South Visitor Parking Lot

Other locations:


- St. Alexius: South Visitors Parking Lot

- Sanford: 7th and Thayer Parking Lot

- Baptist Health: Baptist Health Care Parking Lot off Nebraska in the center area by the Flag pole...Shelle Aberle

- Sunset/Prospera: Main visitors parking lot. Ideally would like to surround the building so all residents can see! Ashley Schmidt

- St. Vincent's: NO HONKING @ THIS LOCATION!!! South parking lot off 26th St.

- Soup Cafe: Main parking lot

- St. Gabriel's: NO HONKING @ THIS LOCATION South Parking Lot Harley A Holden

- Primrose Retirment Community- Bismarck Chantel Schaf

- Edgewood Vista- Mandan

- Dakota Alpha- Mandan


- Elm Crest Manor- NO HONKING @ this location

💢 WILLISTON: Dana Monda-Schau

- CHI St. Alexius Williston: The visitor parking lot on the southwest side of the hospital

- Bethel Lutheran Home: Parking lot off 2nd Ave West

💢 JAMESTOWN Mary Rachel

- JRMC visitors parking lot

- Ave Maria Nursing Home- NO HONKING @ THIS LOCATION Penny Dockter

💢WATFORD CITY: Jocelynn Mees

- Anova Family Health

💢 MINOT: Buffy Woodring

- Trinity Hospital: South parking lot on 3rd Ave. Between the post office and Main Street

- Ward County Jail: North and East parking lots

- Trinity Nursing Home: North Parking Lot

💢 HAZEN/BEULAH: Penney Peabody Emter

- Knife River Care Center- Beulah NO HONKING @ THIS LOCATION

- Hazen Hospital


- CHI St. Alexius Health- Dickinson: Use Fairway Street entrance, first parking lot on the right.

We have partnered with Parking Lot Prayer Warriors, so now, you can tune in from anywhere to KFYR 550AM or listen on the iHeart app at 8:02 PM every Thursday and join in prayer for our community, hospitals and all medical teams & patients.

No matter where you gather, we will be united in prayer and worship as one collective body of believers! You can also tune in to the live Facebook video! To join the Parking Lot Prayer Warriors Group, CLICK HERE.

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