Kafe w/Daryl Lies 1/16/25 4pm Loos

Kafe w/Daryl Lies 1/16/25 3pm Kroshus; Loos

ND Tax Commissioner Brian Kroshus, then Trent Loos, join

Kafe w/Daryl Lies 1/15/25 4pm Gawrylow

Dustin Gawrylow of the ND Watchdog Network joins

Kafe w/Daryl Lies 1/15/25 3pm Gallion, Gawrylow

ND State Auditor Josh Gallion and Dustin Gawrylow with WatchingND.com join

Kafe w/Daryl Lies 1/14/25 4pm Dusty Backer

Your Outdoors. SB2137 w/Dusty Backer.

Kafe w/Daryl Lies 1/14/24 3pm Joe Cassarino


Kafe w/Daryl Lies 1/13/25 4pm Amber Rae & Brad

Plus a look at a bill in the state house

Kafe w/Daryl Lies 1/13/25 3pm Amber Rae & Brad

KFYR Kafe w/Daryl Lies, 3-5pm on KFYR 550

Kafe w/Daryl Lies 1/13/25 4pm Audit of the Auditors

The Audit of the Auditor's Office.

Kafe w/Daryl Lies 1/10/25 3pm Beef Comm Legislation

A bill to make the Beef Commission proposal to make members elected, rather than appointed. Jeremy Maher and August Heupel join.