Kafe 12/18/24 4pm Gawrylow

Kafe 12/18/24 3pm Gawrylow + Gallion

Dustin Gawrylow from the ND Watchdog Network hosts. ND State Auditor Josh Gallion joins, to discuss the Burleigh County Auditor and Commission situation.

Kafe 12/17/24 4pm GAT701/701Nation

JD Brecht joins

Kafe 12/17/24 3pm Fogarty On Fire Tuesday!

Dr. Joe Cassarino & guests. TheBestImmuneSupport.com

Kafe 12/16/24 4:30pm Todd Mitchell w/David Fischer

The Federal Reserve meeting this week: Lower interest rates? What is the data saying? President-elect Trump addresses multiple things in the current environment. Outgoing Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen vs. incoming successor Scott Bessent. Gold and Silver news. (David Fischer, Landmark Capital: 844-604-8575.)

Kafe 12/16/24 w/Brad Feldman for Daryl Lies 4pm

KFYR Kafe w/Daryl Lies, 3-5pm on KFYR 550

Kafe 12/16/24 3pm Brad Feldman for Daryl Lies

Amber Rae from the Y & Family Wellness joins

Kafe w/Daryl Lies 12/13/24 4pm Spolskowski

Burleigh County Auditor Mark Splonskowski joins

Kafe w/Daryl Lies 12/13/24 3pm Ring of Fire Friday

Open mic time, plus some background on the county auditor's case

Kafe w/Daryl Lies 12/12/24 4pm Loos

More with Trent Loos.