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> November 2021
Bluegrass, Bing, & Buble! Bis City Comm Mark Splonskowski, 11/30/21, 4pm
Dr. Ted "What The" Fogarty! KFYR Kafe, 11/30/21, 3pm. Calling out more!
What's On Your Mind 11/30/21: Gov Doug Burgum and more!
What's On Your Mind: 11/29/21
The yo-yo...and when it might stop. David Fischer, Landmark Capital.
A commissioner hears from a constituent...and others 2nd the case.
Why you should have US be your special-occasion beta testers! 11/29/21 3pm
Post-Thanksgiving advice: Cara Jahner, 180 Health Solutions (Kafe, 11/26)
Freedom Black Friday: Todd & Cody in the Kafe, 11/26, 3pm
Greg Gullickson from ND Game & Fish: Kafe, 11/24/21, 4pm
River Rhapsody Chorus: Let's Sing Again! (Kafe, 11/24, 3pm)
Bis City Comm Mark Spolnskowski: should Bis remove the cap?
Dr. Ted "W.T." Fogarty: should health care own health insurance?
David Fischer, "Money Monday," 11/22.
Dr. Steve, and a special guest...and some tough questions about COVID care.
Couldn't think of much to talk about on Freedom (11/19, 3pm)
Scott learns a new word from Todd about lutefisk...and much more. 11/19/21
Daryl Lies, setting the record - and the world - straight. Kafe, 11/18, 4pm
Trent the Gent...On The Loos! In the Kafe, 11/18, 3pm. Fresh from the AG.
Laurentia Romaniuk On Saving Money This Thanksgiving!
Greg Gullickson, ND Game & Fish: so popular, he was held over an extra hour
Mike Connelly, and building a better Bis. Mike Maples, preventing suicide.
Dr. Ted Fogarty...and more to the story than we've heard? Kafe, 11/16. 3pm
Economic headwinds? David Fischer/Money Monday in the Kafe, 11/15, 4:30pm
Bismarck City Commissioner Steve Marquardt in the Kafe, 11/15, 4pm
Maybe Amber Rae & Brad *should* just open their own rink or whatever.
Sine Die. Did everything get done? KFYR Kafe, 11/12, Freedom Friday!
Daryl Lies (Kafe, 11/11, 4pm). If this keeps up, he WILL become President!
Trent The Gent, On The Loos! KFYR Kafe, 11/11, 3pm.
ND Game & Fish Enforcement Chief Scott Winkelman in the Kafe (11/10, 4pm)
Rick Jensen and I compare notes on the state, hoard Dot's, invent a burger
Mark Splonskowski,Bismarck City Commissioner...but that's not all.11/10 4pm
WTFogarty! Ted Fogarty DARES to be in the Kafe, 11/10, 3pm.
Daryl Lies: more Todd The Radio god talk...and much more crucial things.
Trent "On The" Loos! Trent the Bent. Trent the Gent! Kafe, 11/4, 3pm.
Greg Gullickson and Casey Anderson, ND Game & Fish (Kafe,11/3, 4pm)
Kelly Armstrong, Jared Hendrix, and Scott Hennen, in the Kafe...11/3 3pm
Bismarck City Comm. Mark Splonskowski, Ted Fogarty, and the Kafe, 1/2, 4pm
WTFogarty! Ted Fogarty in the KFYR Kafe, 11/2, 3pm.
David Fischer, Landmark Capital. Gold, Silver, and these days, Ivermectin.
Bismarck City Commissioner Steve Marquardt in the Kafe (11/1, 4pm)
Winter Weather is coming! John Paul Martin, NWS-Bis, + Amber Rae & Brad