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> September 2021
Scott Hennen, live from DC, on more day! What's On Your Mind, 9-30-2021.
Daryl Lies, and Country Woman of the Year, Carie Marshall-Moore! Kafe, 9-30
Trent "On The" Loos! Shut the feds down until WHEN?? Kafe, 9-30-2021, 3pm
Live from Radio Row in DC: Scott Hennen, 9-29-2021, on What's On Your Mind
WOYM 9-28-2021: Kim Koppelman for Scott Hennen
The HAUNTED FORT! Matt Schanandore has a real scarrifying experience! 9-29
Dakota Stage LTD Presents: The Last Five Years! KAfe, 9-29-2021, 3pm.
Ron Ness filled in for Scott Hennen on What's On Your Mind, 9-27-2021.
16th & Rosser Roundabout & more! Bis City Comm Steve Marquardt in the Kafe
Amber Rae & Brad Feldman join Todd in the Kafe, 9-27. Got rabbit ears?
David Fischer is BACK! After a few weeks away, with SO much to say! 9-27
"Peer-reviewed" means what? Dr. Steve Nagel, D.C., in the Kafe, 9-24-2021.
Freedom Friday! KFYR Kafe, 9-24-2021, 3pm...Cody Schuh and Todd Mitchell.
We eventually found Daryl. (He's always worth the wait.) KFYR Kafe, 9-23.
Todd and Trent didn't have enough to react to, so they found more...9-23
Greg Gullickson, ND Game & Fish Outreach Biologist, Kafe 9-22, 4pm.
Applefest...and a challenging question to win the tickets. Kafe, 9-22, 3pm.
What's On Your Mind, live from the NDPC...9-22-2021
Scott Hennen, live from Watford City! What's On Your Mind, 9-21-2021
Scott Hennen, at the Fast Angus Ranch & Strommen Cattle Co! WOYM 9-20-2021
The latest from Bismarck City Comm. Steve Marquardt, in the Kafe, 9-20, 4pm
She's baaack! Amber Rae...once again with the Y! Brad & Todd, too. 9-20
Cody and Dr. Steve took the reins, and Mark Herr joined the Kafe! 9-17-21
Are YOU even MOVING the needle? Daryl Lies in the Kafe, 9-16-2021, 4pm.
Someone proposed the IRS do WHAT?? Trent Loos, then Rep. Kelly Armstrong
Greg Gullickson, ND Game & Fish Outreach Biologist, in the Kafe...9-15 4pm
Street Fair and the Autumnfest Parade this weekend! Wed 9/15, in the Kafe!
Todd made his OWN zip to Zap! Zap Motor Daze and more...Kafe 9-13-2021.
Dr. Steve Nagel DC - Health Freedom Friday! KFYR Kafe, 9/3, 4pm.
Freedom Friday returned! Cody Schuh joined Todd Mitchell in the Kafe, 9/3
Rep. Armstrong unhappy about Afghanistan. Neither were callers. Kafe 9-2.
Trent Loos was on a roll, as he rolled toward the east coast. Kafe, 9-2 3pm
Daryl Lies looked back at 9/11, and Bill Prokopyk looks ahead to a memorial
New ND Game & Fish head Jeb Williams joined Greg Gullickson in the Kafe 9-1