Dakota Mornings 3/10/25 9a Ron Ness for Michael Bell

Kafe w/Daryl Lies 3/7/25 3p Your Outdoors

A special Friday version

Kafe w/Daryl Lies 3/6/25 4pm Loos

more with Trent Loos joining

Dakota Mornings w/Michael Bell 3/7/25 10a Gizzi

More with John Gizzi from Newsmax

Dakota Mornings w/Michael Bell 3/7/25 9am Odermann; Gizzi

Jacob Odermann, Chord Energy, joins; later, John Gizzi, chief political columnist and White House correspondent with Newsmax.

Mitchell in the Morning 3/6/25: Lori Hinz

ND GOP Nat'l Committeewoman joins Thursdays at (about) 8:45

Mitchell in the Morning: Dr. Steve Nagel D.C.

Health Solutions - Dr. Nagel joins Thursdays at (about) 8:15!

Mitchell in the Morning 3/7/25: Guns And The 701!

Clay Pederson joins

Mitchell in the Morning 3/7/25: Mylo!

The Strasburg Superstar!

Kafe w/Daryl Lies 3/6/25 3pm Loos

Trent Loos joins